
Why does so much of today’s design look the same? Simple, it doesn't express what makes companies different. It fails to express a company's real purpose. While companies are hustling to build a brand, they are forgetting the most important job—to present their distinct purpose, their reason for being. It’s the only real thing that makes companies (and people) unique. It’s DNA. Design with purpose is powerful. It serves to shorten the distance between a company's mission and the preference of its consumers.

Design makes believers.

Of course it’s your logo, your brochures, your packaging, and your website that set you apart—that is if it faithfully represents your purpose. If it doesn’t, you become a company with style and no substance. Conversely, if your purpose is imbedded in your design, you speak with a whole different kind of voice. A voice of candor and authenticity. Customers eat this up. They crave the humanity of companies. They root for companies they can believe—and believe in.

Your purpose is my purpose.

I’ve made purpose the core of my practice. I help individuals and companies identify and express their purpose through design. When we design with purpose, our ideas fit problems that are consequential to your growth. The design serves as the conduit between you and your consumers needs. When it works, it becomes a porthole into your belief system and your mission. It communicates your inherent distinctions to those that stand to benefit. Isn't that the point?